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                Hydrolyzed pan waste steam dealing process

                The slag discharge pressure of the hydrolysis pot is 0.2 MPa, and the moisture in the furfural slag is instantaneously vaporized.

                Hydrogen peroxide production process

                The chemical formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, commonly known as hydrogen peroxide.

                Dealing with the new process of furfural waste water closed evaporation circulation

                Furfural production wastewater is a highly difficult organic wastewater containing acetic acid, furfural and various organic substances such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, organic acids and the like.

                Furfural and corn cob produce furfural process

                Plant fiber raw materials rich in pentosan (such as corn cob, peanut shell, cottonseed husk, rice husk, sawdust, cottonwood, etc.)

                1 GO

                Service hotline: 0538-3399066;0538-3393566;0538-3393266

                Fax: 0538-3399066

                Zip code: 271600

                Address: Feicheng High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shandong Province

                2022 Shandong Jinta Machinery Group Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 







