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                About us

                As a national hi-tech enterprise, listed company for military equipment purchasing and national enterprise in designing and manufacturing Class-III pressure vessel, Shandong Jinta Machinery Group Co., Ltd. (Original Feicheng Jinta Machinery Co., Ltd.)becomes a collectivized enterprise, integrating research and development, production and manufacturing, trade and service with the technical center, international trade department and four subsidiaries: Feicheng Jinta Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., Feicheng Jinta Alcohol Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd., Feicheng Jinwei Machinery Co., Ltd. and Feicheng Taixi Non-woven Materials Co., Ltd.

                After decades of constant efforts and innovation, Jinta has become  the manufacturing base of alcohol /ethanol production line and waste water treatment equipment in China with large scale, high integration, technical strength and energy-conservation, which defines national standard of "Alcohol Distillation Column"“Furfural Distillation Column” and "Furfural Hydrolysis Pot". Alcohol/ethanol production and environmental production equipment with "JINTA" brand has been the reliable choice of clients at home and abroad especially renowned large-scale distilleries and been exported to dozens of countries in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, South America and etc.

                Jinta is dedicated to the expansion of alcohol/ethanol industry chain and other industries with its abundant research and development strength, advanced machining method and outstanding quality reputation and has also become a professional equipment manufacturer of petroleum, chemical, pharmacy, fermentation, starch industries and etc.

                Jinta will follow the principal of “Managing the enterprise ipso jure, sincerely cooperating, pragmatic & striving for perfection, exploring and innovating”, keep the pursuit of “ Jinta Machinery, sincere equipment”, carefully foster the core competitiveness of independent intellectual property, adhere to the delicacy management, create the top-quality brand of alcohol/ethanol industry together with chemical industry and pursue the common development of enterprise and society. 



                Customer volume


                Equipment rating


                Industries involved

                Service hotline: 0538-3399066;0538-3393566;0538-3393266

                Fax: 0538-3399066

                Zip code: 271600

                Address: Feicheng High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shandong Province

                2022 Shandong Jinta Machinery Group Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 







